Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ASSIGNMENT 2 (Due Sept 19)

The Visual Story (09/12/06)
ASSIGNMENT 2 (Due Sept 19)

You will clarify the identity of your brand using text and graphics.
Incorporate the critique/discussion of your work from the last class.

PART ONE (text)
Use your name as your brand identity (first or last, both, nickname, etc.)
Write a sentence that explains your brand. This will be your ‘story’.
Example: “My name is John Smith and I collect baseball cards.”
In your presentation, define ways in which your colors clarify this story.

PART TWO (graphics)
Find a logo/icon or ‘image treatment’ that relates to your ‘story’ or personal interests.
Use this as inspiration to create a graphic logo/icon that supports your ‘story’.

Present all work in PowerPoint and keep 8.5”x11” pages in your binder.


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